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Nanci J Bradley
Oct 18, 20193 min read
Got Questions?
sibling rivalry? healthy weight? sleep issues? learning problems? boundary setting? potty training? exclusion? lack of...
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Nanci J Bradley
Sep 21, 20193 min read
Cheat Sheet For Toddler Biting
Toddler biting is a lot of stress for parents, teachers, biters and the bitten. Here's a cheat sheet of positive and appropriate actions...
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Nanci J Bradley
Aug 8, 20191 min read
Connect With Us!
Answer the following questions with AGREE, SOMEWHAT AGREE OR DISAGREE 1. My family and friends are important to me and I try to be a...
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Nanci J Bradley
Jul 22, 20193 min read
Try This Astounding New Way To Get Your Child's Full Attention Without Yelling!
This is a technique that I've been working on for years but I 'm calling it new here because so few people actually know exactly how to...
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Nanci J Bradley
Jul 20, 20194 min read
The Eye-Opening Reason Most French Kids (and Adults) Aren't Obese
What's the difference between French and American families and the way they eat? That's always been an interesting question for me...
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Nanci J Bradley
May 3, 20192 min read
Invite More Fun Into Your Life
Everybody deserves to have fun. Here's a quick check-in with yourself to see if your getting enough. Grab a pen, a marker and a piece of...
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Nanci J Bradley
Dec 29, 20182 min read
The #1 Thing To Give Your Child To Boost Their Brain Power
It's you, of course! The relaxed version of you, that is. So grab a warm beverage and sit down next to one of your children as they play....
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Nanci J Bradley
Oct 21, 20173 min read
The # 1 Best Way To Calm Your Fussy Baby
OK, I get it. You desperately need your baby to stop crying and fussing. Maybe they're teething, maybe they're colicky or maybe they're...
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Nanci J Bradley
Oct 14, 20172 min read
ER (Energy Resources) For Tired Moms and other Caregivers
Think of what you could accomplish with more energy for yourself and for your family. Here's a great place to start. Start with your...
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Nanci J Bradley
Jul 2, 20173 min read
Lifelong Learning
Simple Ways to Promote Lifelong Learning Lifelong learning is one of my specialties as a human being and as a teacher. I was taught in...
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Nanci J Bradley
Feb 12, 20174 min read
Setting Boundaries and Drawing lines
Do you have a hard time setting boundaries with your Kids, or anyone else in your life when it comes to whining? Here's a little scene...
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Nanci J Bradley
Aug 13, 20163 min read
Take Time to Unwind
OK it's the end of another crazy busy week for a lot of us and now its time to unwind... But how? It's just so darn hard for people who...
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