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Energy Boosting Snacks

Nanci J Bradley

Feel Good Snacks

-Organic strawberries with cashews* and goat cheese, full fat or coconut milk

-Sugar snap peas, nitrite free ham, blueberries

-Apples and mild cheddar cheese, PB, full fat or coconut milk

*nuts can be a choking hazard for children under 4

+ 4 more healthy snacks below article


Everyone I talk to these days feels they need extra energy just to make it through their busy days. Mom's who tell me they need more energy struggle to feed their kids healthy snacks, rarely stopping for a second to re-charge their own fuel. So how do we deal with this?

Typically, Mom's who work outside of their homes, go to coffee shops and Mom's who work at home go to the refrigerator. We're looking for that magical energy booster that doesn't let us down but we're never quite finding the right thing. Caffeine works for a while but lets us down in the long run. So does sugar.

Most of us know what to do. We just don't know how with everything else that's on our plate or in our hands as we juggle through each hectic day.

Since I care for 6 active toddlers and pre-schoolers every day, at age 58, I have the same problems as the busy Mom's do. No time to feed myself and heck if I'm gonna give in and eat a bunch of carbs for fuel like toddlers prefer. And I don't want to give them meals with all carbs either because even the healthiest carbs will be nothing but a quick fix if they don't balance them off with some healthy fats and a little bit of protein.

Here are the solutions I've found after years years of needing to re-charge my energy and eat balanced snacks and meals while providing the same for the little ones I care for without spending too much precious time on it. I need my playtime (and my rest time) almost as much as they do!

Snack Ideas

Organic strawberries with cashews* and goat cheese, full fat or coconut milk

Sugar snap peas, nitrite free ham, strawberries

Apples and mild cheddar cheese, PB, full fat or coconut milk

Grass-fed beef meatballs, oven roasted zucchini in mild garlic and olive oil, almond milk

Berries and full fat cream (or coconut milk) and nuts*

*nuts can be a choking hazard for children under 4!

Bowl of Joy! with cream or coconut milk see photo below. No bake recipe found in The Book of Keto Joy! by Nanci J Bradley

low carb, ketogenic, weight loss, energy

As you can see, I eat very low carb, without a lot of fuss. I've survived 10 years of low carb ketogenic living, losing 100 lbs and keeping it off for over 10 years without ever making a single serving of zucchini noodles or a cauliflower pizza crust.

Not that there's anything wrong with those recipes.......I just don't have the time to make them but if you do, great, I'm sure there are some really great pizza crusts out there.

Let me know how they turn out, I've got two toddler disagreements to decipher and an awesome block structure that the pre-schoolers need help with!

low carb, ketogenic, weight loss

This is me on the left as a very tired and overweight mom. This is me, on the right in front of our beloved VW camper van last summer. The difference? Now I eat for energy and I feel great.

low carb, ketogenic, weight loss

If you're interested in doing the same, I just published my first book, and in it I reveal all of the secrets I used to lose 100lbs and keep it off for 10 years plus while running my child care business and maintaining an active social life.

Get my book here!

low carb, ketogenic diet, weight loss

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