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The Magic Pill

Nanci J Bradley

If you think there isn't a magic pill for health and energy, think again! If a child care provider and mom from Madison, WI can do this, you can too. Here's what I've developed and created for you after 50 years of seeking better health, energy and the best weight for me. The bottom line is, take care of your SELF first, then you can genuinely give to others! The pictures below are me, before and after a lchf lifestyle. Here are my top 4 suggestions for results like mine.

weight loss, low carb, energy

weight loss, low carb, lchf

# 1 DIY model (free)

Read my blog pages here and learn all you can about your SELF. Energy, parenting, setting boundaries and losing weight are all covered here. All of these things are intimately connected in my world where I've spent the last 50 years trying to feel good in my body and the last 42 years educating children and their families in a variety of situations and positions. The stuff I choose to write about is basic, very important, and long neglected in a world where "what matters to mommy" is routinely and disastrously put on the back burner and left alone.

#2 Guided plan (free)

After 38 years of roller coaster dieting, I finally found something that works. It has only a few simple rules and a lot of room for choice. It involves eating very few sugars and grains, quite a bit of healthy fat, and moderate levels of protein.

weight loss, low carb, energy, lchf, keto

I'm inviting you to join my community now and get your free 7-day guided plan. This works well for people who are curious about low carb energy and don't mind experimenting on their own. Everyone who completes the 7 days is extremely happy about the energy boost they receive with no exceptions. I have plenty of freebies for you and I promise, no spam or giving your name away to anyone. Click on the Carb Out Day 1 photo and grab your energy boost now! (you deserve it)

#3 Book

My book, The Book of Keto Joy! explains everything you need to know about low carb eating, tells my personal story and gives you my secret recipe for Joy!, a food that helps you lose weight while satisfying your cravings for sweets and low quality carbs.

energy, self care, low carb, weightloss

#4 Personal plan ( worth the $)

Click the photo to sign up for your 1-hour confidence and energy tune-up.

energy, weight loss, parenting

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