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Try This Fun One-Second Trick To Elevate Your Mood Daily

Nanci J Bradley

Updated: Jun 14, 2024

It really only takes a second to push a button. Try this first thing every morning and you'll immediately elevate your mood and start getting things done!

It's so important that we take control of what we feed our minds first thing in the morning. Most people look at their phones, the news, social media, or whatever else is there. Stop it!!!! Don't let the media have control of your brain.

If you want to feel better and get more done, try making yourself a very personal playlist.

energy, parenting

Gather all your favorite songs by your favorite artists in one place and force yourself to play that first in the morning, before checking social media, news, or starting ANY other project.

And, of course, you can move to the music, too!

Why does this work?

According to research conducted by Dr. Marcus Raichle at Washington University, it's because we're giving ourselves permission to be ourselves instead of taking on the opinions of anyone else.

I try to keep my music selection upbeat but I like a little bit of radical dissension now and then. You choose. That's the point.

I don't know why it's sometimes so hard for me to push that button but every morning that I do is better than a morning that I don't feel an immediate wave of energy and appreciation when I turn on my music.

I don't know what else to tell you except, just do it! Fight with your own mind and your own finger, if you have to but try it. You might think it's too simple and easy to help in a complicated world but once you take back control of your morning mind, you won't believe the lift you'll get.

At early childhood rocks! nonprofit organization we have a PLAN to promote empathy and discourage bullying during the first few years of life. Learn more by clicking on the All Together Now mockup.

Nanci J. Bradley is a child and family educator, author, family aerobics instructor and all-around fun-loving person. She believes in the power of sleep, lifelong learning, healthy eating, fun, and more than anything else, PLAY! She studied early childhood education at Triton College and received her BA in education from Northern Illinois University in 1986. She received her MA in human development from Pacific Oaks College in 2011. She lives and teaches in Madison, WI.


Try this Spotify playlist for a fun all-ages aerobic dance party

Click here or on the photo below to check it out. Have fun!

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